A Snowy Wish in Summer? Deepak’s Ladakh Trip Review with Thrillophilia

A Snowy Wish in Summer? Deepak’s Ladakh Trip Review with Thrillophilia

“I want to see snow, I want to see snow!”

It was a summer evening, Deepak was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. His six-year-old son was glued to the TV, watching his favourite cartoon. Suddenly, the little one burst into tears.

Deepak and his wife rushed to his side. He pointed at the TV, his eyes filled with tears. “Papa, I want to play in the snow!”

Deepak sighed, “But beta, it’s June, there’s no snow anywhere.”

“I don’t care! I want snow!” he shouted.

That night, after their son finally fell asleep, Deepak and his wife sat at the dining table, worried.

Deepak thought for a moment before saying, “You remember the travel company named Thrillophilia?”

-”Yes, if I am not wrong, it is the same company who arranged your friend’s recent trip to Kerala, isn’t it?”

-”Yes, Let’s call Thrillophilia. Maybe they can help us figure out a place where there’s snow, even in June.”

The next morning, Deepak reached out to Thrillophilia. After explaining the situation and his son’s determination to see snow, the team quickly suggested a solution. "In June, you can still find snow at Khardungla Pass in Ladakh," the Thrillophilia expert told him. "It’s one of the highest motorable passes in the world, and snow stays there all year round."

-”That’s it, it's a plan!”, sighed Deepak with relief.

It was strange how both Deepak and his wife wanted to go to Ladakh for a very long time and now since it was finally happening, they were sure that it was a sign from the universe.

Towards a journey like never before…
The next few days were a whirlwind of planning. Thrillophilia helped them arrange the perfect itinerary, which included not just Khardungla Pass, but also visits to Sham Valley, Pangong Lake, and Lamayuru Monastery. Soon, they were all set for their Ladakh adventure.

As they boarded the flight from New Delhi to Leh, his son could hardly contain his excitement. “Are we going to see snow as soon as we land, papa?” he asked, bouncing in his seat.

“Not right away,  but we’ll see snow in a couple of days at Khardungla,” Deepak reassured him.

Once they arrived in Leh, the family was welcomed by the sweeping views of towering mountains, crisp blue skies, and fresh mountain air. Deepak’s son looked out of the car window in awe. “Papa, look! It’s so big!” he exclaimed, pointing at the peaks that surrounded them.

They spent the first few days exploring Leh, Sham Valley, visiting the Magnetic Hill, the famous confluence of the Indus and Zanskar rivers, and the ancient Alchi Monastery. The little one was amazed by the magic of Magnetic Hill, where their car appeared to move uphill by itself.

“Papa! How is the car moving? Is it magic?” he asked, wide-eyed.

Deepak laughed and said, “It’s a natural phenomenon, beta. The hill creates an optical illusion that makes it look like we’re moving uphill, but we’re not.” He saw his son’s eyes sparkle as he tried to grasp the concept, his excitement growing with each new discovery.

A Dream Come True
The next morning, they set off for the highlight of the trip- “Khardungla Pass”. As the car climbed higher, his son grew more impatient. “When will we reach the snow?” he kept asking every few minutes.

Finally, after several hours, they arrived at the snow-covered Khardungla Pass. The white, snow-covered landscape stretched out in every direction. Without a word, the little one ran straight to the snow, laughing as he sank his little feet into the soft powder.

“Look, papa! It’s snow! It’s really snow!” he shouted, his face glowing with happiness. He immediately began throwing snowballs and making tiny snowmen.

They spent hours playing in the snow, sliding down small slopes, and soaking in the views. The cold air was biting, but the happiness in their hearts kept them warm. Before they left, Deepak handed his son a little bag to collect some snow as a keepsake. “You can take a piece of Khardungla home with you,” he said with a wink.

Unfolding Chapters of Ladakh
Their next stop was Pangong Lake. As the family arrived, they were greeted by the mesmerising sight of the deep blue waters surrounded by towering mountains. His son, now a seasoned little adventurer, ran toward the lake, splashing in the shallow waters and giggling as the cold waves brushed through his face.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Deepak said, standing next to his wife and taking in the view. “I never imagined Pangong would look like this.”

She nodded. “It’s incredible. I can see why it’s so famous.”

They spent the day relaxing by the lake, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, and watching the sun dip behind the mountains.

On their final day, they visited the ancient Lamayuru Monastery. The winding roads took them through valleys dotted with prayer flags, and the sight of the monastery perched on the cliffs left them speechless.

After exploring the monastery and learning about its history, the family sat down on a nearby ledge overlooking the "Moonland" terrain- an otherworldly landscape that looked like the surface of the moon.

“This place is like magic,” his wife said softly, taking Deepak’s hand.

Head full of memories, heart full of joy!
As they made their way back to Leh, the little wanderer slept peacefully in the backseat, clutching his bag of snow. Deepak looked at his wife and said, “We should thank Thrillophilia for this unforgettable experience - full of adventures, memories, and the time we spent together as a family.”

Suddenly, Deepak asked the driver to stop over at a viewpoint. He and his wife stepped out, standing side by side as the sky exploded into a canvas of fiery orange and purple. They didn’t speak for a moment, just stood in awe of the sheer beauty of Ladakh’s final gift to them.

As they drove away, the mountains stood tall behind them, like silent guardians of the memories they now carried with them- a piece of snow, a moment of joy, and a lifetime of love.

Read more: Thrillophilia Ladakh Sightseeing Reviews